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Friday, June 29, 2007

Old Sacramento Schoolhouse Museum ~ continued

The above left is a list of the "Punishments" facing boys and girls if they did not follow school rules. Here they go:

  1. Boys and Girls Playing Together = 4 Lashes

  2. Fighting at School = 5 Lashes

  3. Quareling at School = 5 Lashes

  4. Gambleing or Betting at School = 4 Lashes

  5. Playing at Cards at School = 10 Lashes

  6. Climbing for Every Foot Over Three Feet Up a Tree = 1 Lash

  7. Telling Lies = 7 Lashes

  8. Telling Tales Out of School = 8 Lashes

  9. Giving Each Other Ill Names = 3 Lashes

  10. Swaring at School = 8 Lashes

  11. For Misbehaving to Girls = 10 Lashes

  12. For Drinking Spiritous Liquors at School = 8 Lashes

  13. Making Swings and Swinging on Them = 7 Lashes

  14. For Waring Long Finger Nails = 2 Lashes

  15. Misbehaving to Persons on the Road = 4 Lashes

  16. For Going to Girls Play Places = 3 Lashes

  17. For Going to Boys Play Places = 3 Lashes

  18. Coming to School With Dirty Faces and Hands = 2 Lashes

  19. For Calling Each Other Liars = 4 Lashes

  20. For Wrestling at School = 4 Lashes

  21. For Weting Each Other Washing at Playtime = 2 Lashes

  22. Scuffling at School = 4 Lashes

  23. For Going and Playing about the Mill or Creek = 6 Lashes

  24. For Going about the Barn or doing any Mischief about the Place = 7 Lashes
The above right is the student's daily schedule. It reads:

For Term beginning Sept. 14, 1908, and ending May 7, 1909

9 a.m. Roll call
Talks on morals and manners, etc.

9:05 a.m. Arithmetic, Grades 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.

9:45 a.m. 1st and 2nd grades dismissed for recess; at 10:10 3rd and 4th.

10:40 a.m. General Recess.

11 a.m. Penmanship or drawing all Grades.

11:15 a.m. Reading 1st and 2d grades
Grammer grades 3,4,6,7,8,9.

1 p.m. Reading grades 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9 and History grades 6,7,8,9.

2 p.m. 1st 2d and 3rd grades dismissed. Geography grades 4,6,7,8,9 or Philosophy
grades 7,8,9.

2:40 p.m. General Recess.

3 p.m. Reading grades 1,2
Spelling grades 3,4,6,7,8,9.

3:45 p.m. Bookkeeping or Civil government grades 8 and 9.

Fridays same til 1:35

1:35 p.m. Music and Declamation all Grades

*Arcade School District daily program for the school year 1908-09. Hazel Hammack was the teacher. Notice the program included a grade 9.

*"History of the Arcade School District" by James R. Cowen, 1990

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